About Us

About Us


Jamii Bora Development Initiative


Jamii Bora Development Initiative

Jamii Bora Development Initiative (JBDI) is an organization which is non-governmental (NGO), non-political registered on the 10th August 2019 under the NCOs Act of 2002, amended in 2005 and 2019 section 24. JBDI bears a registration and TIN numbers 00NGO/R/0456 respectively; having its headquarters at Nyabange Mennonite Mission, located in Butiama District, Mara Region. JBDI therefore belongs to the Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania, (KMT) whose headquarters is in Musoma Municipality. It is equally a non-profit-making organization with the dream of working to create a society where the community respects the basic values of nature as a fundamental model to community development by preserving and protecting the natural environment.

Mission Statement

JBDI aims to bridge knowledge and skills gap by building capacity and facilitating communities based projects geared toward enhancing access to basic needs, clean and safe environment and to overcome poverty.

Vission Statement

To see a community that is empowered and transformed to live self – reliant and to access sustainable holistic livelihoods.