Agriculture Program

Agriculture Program


Currently JBDI is implementing a comprehensive project known as Integrated Community Mobilization Program (ICMP) which is funded by Bread for the World from Germany. The project is supporting smallholder farmers in 12 villages within Mara region, also the promote gender issues in 7 secondary school in Butiama and Tarime District Councils.

Through this project, a total of 1225 direct beneficiaries have been empowered to improve their food security, increase their income and maintain the productivity of their natural resource base by encouraging sustainable agricultural practices. 735 are female and 490 are men. Through them, a total of 11,200 members (7 members per household) of their families and communities have been reached indirectly. 60% (5145) are estimated to be female and 40% (3430) are male.

Also, JBDI has been implemented various projects like the Albino protection project, peace building and trauma healing projects both being funded by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and these projects resulted huge impacts in the society.

Other Program


JBDI has advocated for gender equality to enhance equal participation of men and women in group activities, resource utilization, equity sharing and increased women’s equal access to resources and capacity building initiatives.